Cyrus The Great Wife

When cyrus defeated astyages he also inherited median possessions in eastern iran but he had to engage in much warfare to consolidate his rule in this region.
Cyrus the great wife. According to herodotus 2 1 cyrus loved her dearly and when she died ordered all the subjects of his empire to observe a great mourning. He was also married to amytis the daughter of astyages king of media. Cyrus ii of persia old persian. Cyrus the great died around 529 b c while campaigning against defiant nomadic tribes around the caspian sea.
They had five children cambyses ii bardiya atossa artystone and roxane. Along the syr darya river buried pasargadae royal house achaemenid cyrus the great ruled the largest empire of his day and is known for granting many freedoms to his subjects. In october cyrus himself arrived and proclaimed a general amnesty which was communicated by gobryas to all the province of babylon of which he had been made governor. Cyrus the great married cassandane whom he is known to have loved dearly.
When darius i defeated the followers of a man claiming to be bardiya smerdis the younger brother of cambyses ii in 522 bc he married atossa. Cambyses ii smerdis see bardiya atossa and an unnamed daughter see herodotus 2 1. Meanwhile nabonidus who had concealed himself was captured but treated honourably. Atossa had a great authority in the achaemenid royal house and her marriage with darius i is likely due to her power influence and the fact that she was a direct descendant of cyrus.
600 530 bc commonly known as cyrus the great and also called cyrus the elder by the greeks was the founder of the achaemenid empire the first persian empire. One measure of his greatness was the esteem in which he was held in later years by. When cassandane died all the nations of cyrus persian empire observed a great mourning. And when his wife died cambyses ii the son of cyrus conducted the funeral.
She bore four children. She was eldest daughter of cyrus the great. Cyrus had at least one daughter atossa who married her brother cambyses and possibly two others but they played no role in history. Atossa married her brother cambyses ii probably after death of her father.
Atossa mother of xerxes the great persian monarch 550 bc 530 bc. Under his rule the empire embraced all the previous civilized states of the ancient near east expanded vastly and eventually. Cyrus now assumed the title of king of babylon claimed to be the descendant of the ancient kings and made rich offerings to the temples. This is reported by herodotus.
Her mother may have been cassandane. He had several other wives as well whom he married for political reasons.