Dont Love Anyone More Than God

The one who does not love does not know god for god is love.
Dont love anyone more than god. That s why any thought that tells you i don t love you is a lie. Beloved if god so loved us we also ought to love one another. God s love is something like that. Spend some quality time with god.
We all share the same great feast so no matter the different sizes of our appetites we all end up happy and full with no need to compare who got more. Because i am love. I don t know if i am posting this in the right section but here goes. And though the man may not and ought not to cease to love yet he must act as if he hated.
I don t think i even love my family. For god to love something or someone more than himself would be inappropriate perverted immoral. Beloved let us love one another for love is from god. Ask god to increase your desire for him.
I don t think i feel any real compassion for anyone anymore either. In fact if we do not love others we do not love god. When you see me you see eyes full of love. Like god we must love him supremely in order to love everything else best.
A love that is stronger than anything you will ever be able to comprehend. I don t think i can honestly say that i love anyone. The horrible result of not loving god most. Ask him to fill you with his spirit and rekindle your appreciation of his character.
To know him is to love him. But it s also like football because even though we all watch the same touchdown and erupt together wild with joy some fans are happier than others. 37 he that loveth father or mother more than me the words are important partly in themselves partly as explaining the stronger phrase of luke 14 26 27 which speaks of a man hating father or mother as a condition of discipleship where two affections come into collision the weaker must give way. That s also why any thought or feeling which tells you i m not there for you is a lie.
When we or anything else if that s possible become our supreme love instead of god love becomes distorted and diseased. Since the 1 st commandment demands that we have no gods other than the one true god and that we love that god we now hear that we should not love any human being more than god. And i m not talking romantic love just in general. Jesus said if we love anything more than him we are not worthy of him matthew 10 37 38.
There used to be people i loved but not anymore. Get to know him more. And everyone who loves is born of god and knows god. In john 12 25 jesus took this thought a step further when he said anyone who loves their life will lose it while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life not loving the world extends to our own lives as well.